The first time I met my wife was just before I turned thirty. She was three years younger than me. ......
She wasn’t exactly a standout in terms of looks. There wasn’t anything at all wrong with her appearance, but neither was there anything about her that would turn any heads. She had long eyelashes, a thin nose , was on the small side, and her hair, which fell to her shoulder blades, was beautifully styled.(She was very particular about her hair.) On the right side of her full lips was a small mole, which moved in marvelous ways wherever her expression changed. It lent her a slightly sensual air, but again this was only if you paid close attention. Most people would see the girl I was going out with at the time as far more beautiful. But even so, one look was all it took for me to fall for her, like I’d been struck by lightning. Why? I wondered. It took a few weeks for me to figure out the reason. But then it suddenly hit me. She reminded me of my younger sister, who had died. Reminded me very clearly of her.
我第一次遇見妻,是將近三十歲時。她比我小三歲。........... 她的容貌並不特別出色。沒看到明顯的缺點,也不特別招眼。睫毛長長,鼻子細細,個子算小,長到肩胛骨一帶的頭髮修剪得很美(她很用心照顧頭髮)。豐滿的嘴唇接近右端有顆小痣,因為表情的變化而會奇妙的移位。這種地方會微微給人性感的印象,不過那也只是「注意看才看得見」的程度。如果平常地看,反而是我當時交往的女朋友要漂亮多了。然而我只看了一眼,就突然像被雷打中了似的、心被她奪走了。為什麼呢?我花了幾個星期思考原因,但有一天我忽然想到了。她,讓我想起死去的妹妹,非常明顯。
My sister had also been three years younger than me, and had a congenital heart valve problem.........In the end, she died when I was fifteen. She’d just entered junior high. All her short life she’d battled those genetic defects, but never failed to be anything other than positive and upbeat. Until the very end she never grumbled or complained, and always made detailed plans for the future..........
She had a strong will, and always stuck to whatever she decided to do, no matter what..................At the end she was terribly thin and drawn, yet her eyes remained animated, and she was still full of life.
It was my wife’s eyes,too, that drew me to her. Something I could see deep in them. When I first saw those eyes, they jolted me. Not that I was thinking that by making her mine I could restore my dead sister or anything. Even if I’d wanted to, I could imagine the only thing that would lead to was despair. What I wanted, or needed, was the spark of that positive well. That definite source of warmth needed to live. It was something I knew very well, but that was, most likely, missing in me.